The shush act
The shush act


S.715 NEPA Data Transparency and Accountability Act S.719 NEPA State Assignment Expansion Act S.721 NEPA Accountability and Enforcement Act S.1052 Poverty Measurement Improvement Act S.1084 Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act of 2021 S.1129 Air Traffic Control Safe Operation and Readiness Act


S.1111 Competition in Professional Baseball Act S.1214 State Grazing Management Authority Act S.1433 Guarding Readiness Resources Act of 2021 S.1527 A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to provide that State law shall apply to the use of motor vehicles on roads within a System unit. S.1526 A bill to authorize the use of off-highway vehicles in certain areas of the Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. S.Res.207 A resolution designating the week beginning November 8, 2021, as "National Pregnancy Center Week" to recognize the vital role that community-supported pregnancy centers play in saving lives and serving women and men faced with difficult pregnancy decisions. S.1640 Protecting Access to American Products Act S.1647 Enhancing Coast Guard Readiness Act S.1648 A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the construction of naval vessels in shipyards in North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries. S.1686 Human-Powered Travel in Wilderness Areas Act S.1757 Children Have Opportunities in Classrooms Everywhere Act S.1994 Protecting Jobs in American Ports Act


S.Res.340 A resolution opposing legislation mandating the registration of women for the Selective Service System.

the shush act

S.2734 Restoring Trust in Public Health Act S.2744 Restraining Emergency War Spending Act S.297 Reinforcing American-Made Products Act S.2767 Enhanced Protection from Unmanned Aircraft Attacks Act S.2785 Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act S.2802 Balance the Highway Trust Fund Act S.2849 Prohibiting Forced Vaccination for COVID–19 Act S.2832 No NFIP Subsidies for Millionaires Act S.2841 Transparency in COVID–19 Vaccination Act S.2851 Transparency in COVID–19 Expenditures Act S.2842 Respecting Our Ser­vice­mem­bers Act S.2843 No Taxation Without Congressional Consent Act S.2844 Transparency in COVID–19 Research Act S.2861 Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act of 2021 S.2860 Voluntary Checkoff Program Participation Act S.2949 A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 to describe the scope of activities subject to a presumption of the applicability of an exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. S.2988 Parental Consent for Vaccination Act


S.3054 Truck Driver Safety and Flexibility Act S.3170 No Forced Vaccination for COVID–19 Act

the shush act

S.3225 Respecting Our Frontline Workers Act S.3252 Surpassing Temporary Obstructions at Ports and Guaranteeing Resources to Increase the Nation's Commercial Health Act S.3243 Protecting Our Federal Workforce from Forced COVID–19 Vaccination Act S.Res.469 A resolution designating December 3, 2021, as "National Phenylketonuria Awareness Day". S.3370 University of Utah Research Park Act S.3367 Port Modernization and Supply Chain Protection Act S.3365 Incentivizing the Expansion of U.S. S.3366 Allied Partnership and Port Modernization Act S.3410 The Consumer Protection and Due Process Act S.3707 Immediate Access for the Terminally Ill Act

the shush act

S.3810 Countermeasure Injury Compensation Fund Amendment Act S.Con.Res.34 A concurrent resolution to express the sense of Congress in opposition to the establishment of a new Palestinian consulate or diplomatic mission in Jerusalem.

the shush act

S.Res.621 A resolution honoring the life and legacy of the late Senator Orrin G. S.4258 Competition and Transparency in Digital Advertising Act S.Res.134 A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should work with the Government of the United Kingdom to conclude negotiations for a comprehensive trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom that the President should work with the President of the European Commission to conclude negotiations for a comprehensive trade agreement between the United States and the European Union. Halvorsen 'Candy Bomber' Veterans Center". S.2514 A bill to rename the Provo Veterans Center in Orem, Utah, as the "Col. S.1787 State Antitrust Enforcement Venue Act of 2021 117th Congress Bills Sponsored by Mike Lee Bill Name

The shush act